Travel by Numbers: A round-the-world trip in facts and figures

So it turns out there are several different ways you can slice and dice 365 days of constant travel.

How many countries did we visit? How far did we travel? Where did we sleep? What did we spend? Just how many times did Rebecca break her sunglasses, or Timian accidentally steal the hotel room key?

Our favourite stat: our time spent on trains adds up to over 2 weeks!


3 thoughts on “Travel by Numbers: A round-the-world trip in facts and figures

  1. Thanks! We made it using Canva – free tool, and really easy to use. We’re doing well, though already planning more (if shorter!) trips, so watch this space 🙂 Hope all’s well with you and the moves went well. R&Tx


    1. That is what we are doing as well – planning shorter trips. Not quite the same, but will still be good. Since we didn’t cover Africa on the last trip, that’s probably the first one. Botzwana, South Africa or Madagascar.


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